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Modern day Israel is unique and complex. Students and staff at GW Hillel share a wide range of perspectives, connections, and opinions. Our goal is always to engage students in meaningful learning, discussion, and travel so that, if they choose to, they are able to take a well-informed stance. In this spirit, GW Hillel does not subscribe to any Israeli political perspective or position regarding formal policy. This is also true for any political position of any country.

GW Hillel supports Israel programming and education through three avenues-
student groups, Israel education, and travel.

To learn more about our core Israel principles click here
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GW Hillel supports several independent, student led, organizations through staff supervision, leadership development, fiscal support, and access to programming space in the building. Our Israel related student groups include-

  • GW For Israel

  • JStreetU


​For more information about these groups click here. With questions about our student groups, contact Sara,

Student Groups


GW Hillel staff develop and drive our educational offerings. These educational offerings serve as an opportunity to delve deeper into Israeli history, culture, society, and more. We currently offer three educational opportunities-

  1. The Z Word - A discussion-based multi week learning cohort that covers the origins and meaning of the term Zionism.

  2. Israel on Trial - A mentorship program for students interested in pursuing a legal career. Mentors and mentees work together to look at Middle East and the current climate on college campuses through a legal lens.

  3. Scholar in Residence Series - A variety of Israel Educators spend a series of  days on campus meeting with students, speaking to groups, and running other smaller educational opportunities.

With questions about our educational offerings, contact Rabbi Dan,


GW Onward 2019 participants at Tel Aviv Pride


GW Hillel partners with serveral outside organizations to run travel opportunities for students. We currently have three travel opportunities-

  1. Birthright Israel- Travel with other GW students for a once in a lifetime, free, 10 day trip to Israel. We partner with our friends at Hillel International to provide an amazing introduction to the land, people, culture, and customs of Israel! Applications for Winter 2024 are now open! Apply here!​

  2. Building Bridges- GW Hillel brings a cohort of student leaders of all religious, political, and academic backgrounds to Israel and the Palestinian Territories for an intensive educational journey. The purpose of the trip is to learn about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the ground, shedding an intentional light on complexities and nuances. Together, you will ask questions and listen with deep empathy. The purpose of this trip is not to solve or resolve the conflict in the Middle East, but to approach the topic with curiosity and the desire for open dialogue.

  3. Onward Israel- GW Hillel does not currently run our own Onward Israel cohort but if you're interested in this program we can help connect you to those cohorts!

With questions about our travel opportunities, contact Omer,


GW Hillel

2300 H Street NW

Washington, DC 20037


Tel: 202.994.5090​

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