A time to laugh. A time to cry. - King Solomon
This year for the High Holidays, GW Hillel is highlighting our theme of Gam V’Gam (that and that) by creating a space for hopeful optimism and solemn reflection. Through a variety of events we hope to highlight the duality of life and experience together as a community, the ups and downs of college and of the holiday season.
The High Holidays are a time for renewing ourselves and looking forward to the year ahead while simultaneously looking back and learning from the past. Gam V’Gam.
We hope you will join us in coming together in community to start the semester.
GW Hillel will offer combined services the night of Rosh Hashanah and two incredible options for services during the day, Reform or Conservative. Attendance is free for undergraduate students, offered at a reduced rate for young alums ('14-'24) and all other community members are welcome to join us and add to the richness of our holiday experience.
Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2nd
Combined Service: 7 - 8pm, GW Hillel First Floor
Dinner: 8 - 9:30pm, GW Hillel Lower Level
Thursday, October 3rd
Conservative Service: 9:00am - 12:30pm, GW Hillel First Floor
Reform Service: 10am - 12pm, USC Grand Ballroom
Lunch: 12:30 - 2pm, GW Hillel Lower Level
Tashlich/Yizkor Service: 3 - 4pm, Waterfront
(Meet in front of GW Hillel at 3pm to walk)
Friday, October 4th
Shabbat: 7pm, GW Hillel First Floor
GW Hillel is not hosting services for the 2nd night of Rosh Hashanah.
Please contact Rabbi Dan Epstein if you would like to be connected with a local synagogue
Yom Kippur
This year, Yom Kippur aligns with GW Fall Break.
GW Hillel will not be hosting services or pre/post fast meals.
Students who wish to be connected with a local synagogue should contact Rabbi Dan Epstein.
With questions about High Holiday offerings please contact Rabbi Dan Epstein.